Supernatural is a American television show that is technically a fantasy/thriller but is also considered a horror at some points due to its content. Supernatural is a show about two brothers that go and hunt 'supernatural beings' to save people's lives. I have chosen a clip from season 8, episode 1; it is the first 5 minutes of the episode, but I will only be analysing the first 3.
Audio Codes:
During the first minute or so of the clip all the sounds are diegetic, for example the wind, the animals, the sound of feet standing on sticks and the characters talking; there is no type of non-diegetic sound at all. As the girl in the tent hears a person outside the tent the diegetic sound of her scared breathing is focused upon for a short time, this is because it creates a mysterious and tense atmosphere. The use of no non-diegetic sounds intensifies the scene, making the audience more invested and on edge. The moment Dean steals the camper's bag non-diegetic music is introduced, for me the lyrics of the music reflect Dean's inner emotions that he hides from everyone else.
Visual Codes:
In the very first few seconds of the clip there is a large amount of fog around the trees, this creates a sense of mystery and may even cause the forest to look dangerous due to it being nighttime.
Further along in the clip Dean shows himself to the campers and he has blood, dirt and sweat all over his face and a very serious and guarded facial expression suggesting that he is a force that should not be reckoned with. As the scenery changes, Dean is clean and in fresh clothes but his facial expression is still dark and guarded, implying that he is being haunted by something creating confusion and intrigue among the audience. Dean's guarded expression may be indicative of his character, suggesting that he is secretive and distant from other characters.
Technical Codes:
As Dean reveals himself there is a close-up of his face, giving a clearer view of all the blood and dirt that is on his face, which raises an enigma code forcing the audience to continue watching so they are able to find out what left Dean in a bloody, dirty mess.
The low-key lighting of the forest establishes the time of day and suggests that the place is unsafe place to be, the scene then changes to high-key lighting - again establishing the time of day - implying that Dean is now on safer territory. Further along in the clip the use of low-key lighting returns, indicating that Dean is about to do something potentially dangerous.
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