The Hunger Games is an American Adventure/Thriller where two children - one boy and one girl - from each district are chosen at random to compete in a televised fight to the death; this film sends a very serious message and really pulls at the heartstrings. The scene that I have chosen to analyse is Rue's death scene.
Audio Codes:
Throughout the entire clip there is the diegetic sound of Katniss' movements on the twigs and leaves in the setting around her as she runs towards the diegetic sound of the little girl calling her name; there is also a subtle non-diegetic sound of music that creates a somber feeling among the audience. As the little girl is dying, there is the diegetic sound of Katniss singing to her and behind that there is the non-diegetic sound of slow, sad music to complement Katniss' diegetic singing and sobbing throughout which is very powerful and gives the sense of realism to the audience.
Visual Codes:
Close-up shots of their facial expressions automatically show the character's feelings. In this case Rue and Katniss crying simultaneously, instantly creating an emotional atmosphere. The character's clothing and the state they're in gives a clear an insight of what kind situation the character is in at that present time. The characters in this particular clip are dressed in dark, warm and obviously worn out clothes making it clear that they have been outside for a large amount of time; this immediately shapes the audience's emotions, making them feel pity for these two as they are only children. The use of bright colours helps establish the setting and where each of the characters are at a certain time.
Technical Codes:
Traditionally high key lighting is associated with happy, comforting scenes; however, the use of high key lighting in this clip is quite the opposite. Even though there is use of high key lighting throughout this clip, in reality it is a very dark and heart wrenching scene; this could be the use of irony as the high key lighting is not as comforting as it should be. The camera focuses on the bright light above the trees which fades in and out of focus as an indication that Rue is slowly fading out of this life and into another. Eventually the trees and the light above it fades into a pure white light, suggesting that Rue has "walked into the light" and moved on.
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